When was the last time you looked up and marvelled at the colour of the Capetonian sky? Whether you do this often or not at all, you’ll now have even more reason to appreciate the infinite beauty because, according to published research, our beloved city has the bluest sky in Africa!
That’s right, research conducted by S Money’s data scientists shows that Cape Town is on top of the list on the continent, followed by Port Louis, Mauritius, in second place, and Lilongwe, Malawi, in third place.
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As the study reveals, Cape Town’s Air Quality Index of 11 (which apparently means good) gives it the healthiest air of any African capital. It stated that “although Cape Town is technically only a third of a capital (each branch of the South African government resides in a different city), it gets more than its share of blueberry-pie-coloured views.”
S Money goes on to say that many factors affect the “blueness” of the sky, including location, climate, time of day and geography. However, in general, cities with lower air pollution and cities closer to the coast enjoy better blues. They add that “violet waves are smaller than blue ones, but human eyes are more sensitive to blue.”
So don’t put off heading out to Table Mountain to enjoy spectacular views or even making your way to Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden with your picnic basket, ready to laze away on the grass while gazing up at the sight of our gorgeous sky.
Other destinations making the top 10 list in Africa included Victoria in the Seychelles, Asmara in Eritrea, Windhoek in Namibia, Antananarivo in Madagascar, Lusaka in Zambia, Maseru in Lesotho, and Mogadishu in Somalia.
Have a look at the full infographic here.
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Picture: Cape {town} Etc gallery