Citizens over 50 receive J&J covid-19 vaccine booster.
South Africa recorded 972 new cases of Covid-19 on Sunday, which represented a 5.5% positivity rate.
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According to a statement by the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), as of Sunday, the country recorded 3 694 504 laboratory-confirmed cases.
No new Covid-19-related deaths have been recorded in the last 48 hours, and the death toll remains 99 725. However, there may be a backlog in reporting Covid-19-related deaths due to an ongoing audit by the national Department of Health.
Most new cases on Sunday were recorded in Gauteng.
Cases breakdown:
- Gauteng – 37%
- Western Cape – 25%
- KwaZulu-Natal – 17%
- Free State – 5%
- Mpumalanga – 5%
- North West – 5%
- Northern Cape – 3%
- Eastern Cape – 2%
- Limpopo – 1%
Gauteng recorded 358 new cases on Sunday, the Western Cape 241 and KwaZulu-Natal 169.
As of Sunday, Gauteng recorded 1 200 086 cumulative cases, KwaZulu-Natal 655 688 and the Western Cape 644 641.
Ten new hospital admissions were reported in the last 24-hour reporting cycle. As of Sunday, 2 377 people were in public and private hospitals for Covid-19.
South Africa conducted 23 410 199 cumulative tests, of which 17 697 were carried out in the last 24-hour cycle.
According to the Department of Health, 32 548 342 vaccine doses have been administered. Of those, 5 344 were administered on Sunday.
To date, 17 223 510 adults are fully vaccinated. Among children aged 12 and older, 1 769 176 vaccine doses have been administered.
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